New Chargeback Rules For Visa sales, new chargeback rules will take effect on April 15 2018. The highlights of these changes are as follows:
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New Chargeback Rules For Visa sales, new chargeback rules will take effect on April 15 2018. The highlights of these changes are as follows:
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Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Layer Security. Some merchants may have heard the phrase “TLS” or “TLS version 1.2” recently and may be wondering what this is, and how it impacts your ability to process credit cards. Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the updated internet security protocol, which defines how different devices/terminals securely communicate over […]
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1099-K Forms The IRS requires all payment processors to annually report the total credit card sales from each merchant, and further, that these 1099-K forms be posted by the end of January. So please be on the lookout for them in the mail. Also labeled as “Payment and Third-Party Network Transactions,” the form typically breaks […]
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Skip the Slip! As a certified B Corp and a conscious company committed to the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit, we are always looking for ways to reduce our footprint — meaning how can we operate with the least waste of resources and energy. Green America (of which I am board chair) […]
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Settlement Funds We often receive calls from merchants who are puzzled by the difference between the sales that were settled on any given day and the amount of money that is deposited in their operating account. There are so many situations and reasons why deposits may not match the generated sales, some of which are […]
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Pacific Northwest Here We Come! Dharma Merchant Services is moving to the Pacific Northwest in December! A number of factors have converged in making this decision, and we are very excited to be operating out of our new office in Vancouver, Washington beginning December 18, 2017. Most of our staff are moving to the area […]
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Denieal Williams Denieal Williams is the newest member of the Dharma team –– she joined us in June as a support specialist. Her background is in customer support and office support and management, and she will most likely be your first point-of-contact when you call in into Dharma for support. Although she was born in […]
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Fraud Alert! Stolen Credit card numbers are all the rage these days ever since the chip card (EMV) initiative began. Fraud Alert ! It seems that data encryption inherent in the new EMV activated point-of-sale devices has forced fraudsters to move to ecommerce sites, using their “card testing” schemes. Fraud rings have developed specialized servers […]
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BIN-2 Mastercard Update You may have heard about the new “BIN-2” – aka “Mastercard” update. Recently, Mastercard has started allowing issuing banks to create Mastercard accounts with a new numbering system. In the past, all Mastercard account numbers always had a “5” prefix. (Similarly, Visa always starts with a “4”, AMEX always starts with a […]
Read MorePosted in Customer Support, Industry News and tagged with AVS, batching, best practices, contract, fraud.
Relationship & Responsibilities As your Merchant Service Provider (MSP), it’s Dharma’s job to ensure that your accounts are registered with the card brands, and to help you accept payments with as little risk as possible. Ultimately, the risk of payment acceptance is your responsibility, but we provide the tools you need to safely and securely […]
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