Visa and Mastercard have very particular rules about what is required in order to receive level 2/3 rates. The one requirement that typically causes the most frustration for merchants is a Tax Value. Per Visa/Mastercard’s rules, you are required to submit a tax value with your sale if you want to qualify for the lowest rates.
Your MX Merchant account is pre-linked with ControlScan, one of the most trusted PCI vendors there is. It’s easy to become PCI Compliant in MX. To do so, simply follow these steps to login through ControlScan and MX.
MX Dashboard gives you a snapshot look at your processing over different time periods. Learn how to use the Dashboard feature to understand your business processing. This video will explain common settings and best practices.
MX Merchant makes it easy to create multiple users, with varying permission levels. Limit login times, transaction processing, and report viewing. Watch the video for a tutorial.
MX Merchant has great customer support. Call for live assistance at 800-935-5961, or login to your account to view the help section or initiate a live chat.