Taxes, discounts, and fees may be created in a Catalog to apply at the order level, or within a specific Category to apply at the item level.
Categories: Poynt Support
Managing your Users/Team in Poynt
Setup multiple users with varying permissions, both for terminal access or web-only access.
Catalog/Inventory Setup in Poynt
Quickly create a product catalog so you can have itemized receipts.
Poynt Reports and Settlement
It’s easy to run reports from your device, the web, or your smartphone.
Getting Poynt Connected
Learn how to connect via Ethernet, WiFi, or 3G.
Customizing Tips with Poynt
Easily modify tip acceptance. You can also give your customers pre-selected tip options.
Ordering Paper with Poynt
Ordering paper is super easy with Poynt, just click a few buttons and you’re all set.
Getting Started with Poynt
Learn the basics about getting started with Poynt!
Processing Payments with Poynt
You can process all card types in several different ways with Poynt – learn how here!