Level 2 credit card processing refers to a more detailed transaction designed to support business-to-business (B2B) payment processing. Many businesses and government offices require that their vendors accept detailed transactional information along with the sale. In addition to simplifying the B2B transaction, providing Level 2 data along with the sale allows access to lower interchange rates.
The MATCH List Let’s get the acronym out of the way: MATCH stands for Member Alert to Control High-Risk. It was created and is managed by MasterCard as a means of compiling information on businesses, and their owners, whose credit card processing privileges have been terminated. This database is then used by acquiring banks to […]
Need to add a quick “Pay Now” or “Donate Now” button to your website? With MX Merchant, it takes only a few clicks to create a quick-payment link so that your customers can send you payments. Payment Links are easy to setup, and you can create as many as you need.