Archives: FAQs

Clover Flex, Friendly For Any Environment

Dharma can outfit you with clover flex so you can ditch your cash register and accept credit/debit payments via the sleek and easy Clover POS. Click through to read more!

Entering Test Mode for NMI

The NMI gateway allows you to enter “Test Mode” so that you can make edits to the gateway and test your website connection, without passing through live values. This is perfect if you’re working with a developer or a custom integration and you need to ensure that the connections to NMI are sound.

Void a Transaction in NMI

Once logged into the NMI gateway, voiding a sale through the Virtual Terminal is easy. Remember it’s always better to void a sale than refund it, assuming the original transaction took place same-day.

Clover Warranty

Larger Clover devices are eligible for “swap out” replacements, whereas smaller/ancillary devices qualify for dead-on-arrival replacements

Lodging/Hotel/Auto-Rental Merchants

As a lodging/hotel/auto-rental merchant, you may require extended authorizations or long-term stays that you charge to a card. Learn how that works!