Archives: FAQs
Customer Vault
Report Configuration
Setting up Merchant Defined Fields
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What’s the Difference between a Void and a Refund?
Voiding “cancels” a sale, whereas a refund is a separate, offsetting negative sale. If possible, it’s always better to void than refund.
Chip+PIN or Chip+Signature?
Chip+PIN is the “strongest” encryption method since it’s much harder to steal a PIN than fake a signature. Currently, most US banks issue Chip+Signature cards. As time moves on, they’ll migrate towards Chip+PIN.
What is Factoring?
Factoring is accepting credit card payments on behalf of another business. It’s prohibited, since factoring can hide money laundering and illegal activities
What is Address Verification?
Address Verification is a very important step in any card-not-present sale. Whenever you accept a card without physically seeing the card, you inherently run a much higher risk of accepting a fraudulent card. As a merchant, you want to do everything in your power to reduce that risk. There are no guarantees, but using the […]
Will Dharma be able to support my business type?
Dharma can work with many different types of merchants, but we don’t process for high-risk industries. A high-risk industry is defined as an industry that historically deals with more chargebacks, fraud, business closures, and federal regulation issues. As such, a different type of processing bank specializes in these types of accounts.