Mastercard Restaurant
This category of interchange rates is specifically for restaurant merchants
To qualify for the below restaurant rates, merchants must be classified as a restaurant or quick-service merchant (MCC of 5812 or 5814). Quick-serve merchants will only be eligible for debit sales within this rate classification. Below are the basic qualifications, plus you’ll see each type of card that’s eligible for restaurant rates, along with the associated potential downgrade:

- Be categorized as a restaurant (MCC 5812) or quick-serve (MCC 5814)
- Quick-serve restaurants are eligible debit and prepaid only
- Magnetic stripe, contactless, or chip data read, obtain customer’s signature.
- Authorize and settle within 1 day.
- Obtain and pass 1 valid electronic authorization.
- Authorization and settlement MCC must match.
- World and World Elite transactions must be equal to or less than $60.00
What are the rates?
See the below cards types which can qualify for Restaurant rates

World Restaurant – 1.73% + $0.10
Downgrade (keyed): World Merit I, 1.89% + $0.10/txn
Downgrade (over $60): World Travel & Entertainment, 2.30% + $0.10/txn
Downgrade (any other reason): Standard, 2.95% + $0.10/txn

World Elite Restaurant – 2.20% + $0.10
Downgrade (for keyed): World Elite Merit I, 2.50% + $0.10/txn
Downgrade (over $60): World Elite Travel & Entertainment, 2.75% + $0.10/txn
Downgrade (any other reason): Standard, 3.25% + $0.10/txn

Restaurant Debit – 1.19% + $0.10
Downgrade (for keyed): Merit I Debit, 1.60% + $0.15/txn
Downgrade (any other reason): Standard Debit, 1.90% + $0.25/tx

Restaurant Prepaid – 1.19% + $0.10
Downgrade (for keyed): Merit I Prepaid, 1.76% + $0.20/txn
Downgrade (any other reason): Standard Prepaid, 1.90% + $0.25/txn

Regulated Debit – 0.05% + $0.22
Downgrade: This card type does not downgrade.
Who’s eligible?
Only restaurants and quick-serve fast food are eligible. Retail rates have a lower rate structure anyways, read more here.