EMV Main Points
Posted in Customer Support, Industry News and tagged with emv.

EMV Main Points
EMV… can we say it again? EMV! We’re sure you’re aware of EMV (Euro/Mastercard/Visa) by now. Also known as “chip cards,” EMV processing is the way of the future, since card issuing banks have begun to embed chips in replacement credit cards. For merchants in a card-present environment, EMV can also help protect against potential fraud. Here are the main points:
- If you accept payments via an Online-website or as a Phone-order merchant, you are not impacted by the EMV shift. EMV only applies to card-present transactions. So, if you run an online store or a 100% card-not-present business, you simply don’t have to worry about the EMV transition.
- If you accept sales through a standalone credit card terminal like a PAX, Verifone, or Ingenico, then you’ll want to reach out to Dharma to ensure you’re setup for EMV transactions. All new terminals that Dharma sells are EMV ready, but if you need to upgrade your existing terminal, you can reach out to us to get setup. You can purchase discounted equipment online, or email us to find out if your current terminal is EMV ready.
- If you accept sales through a payment gateway or Point-of-Sale (POS) system, you’ll need to reach out to your specific gateway/POS to inquire about EMV sales. Fundamentally, Dharma’s networks are fully EMV-capable. But, each gateway is required to independently certify their solution on our networks, and many gateways/POS systems have not yet completed their certification process. As such, your gateway/POS will have the best timetable for EMV acceptance, since the certification process is their responsibility.
We understand that EMV acceptance can be confusing, and that you may have additional questions about your unique processing needs. We are here to provide guidance, support, and suggestions. We want to see all of our merchants accepting EMV transactions as quickly and easily as possible, so please do reach out to us for assistance!