Dharma’s Giving Back for 2016
Posted in Dharma’s Culture, Dharma’s Giving Back, Nonprofit, Social Responsibility.

Dharma’s Giving Back for 2016
Now that we are well into the new year, we’ve the updated the Giving Back section on the Dharma website reflecting the results of our 2016 charitable picks. For the third year in a row, our donations have well exceeded $100,000 to organizations benefiting the people, animals, and planet that are so greatly in need.
One of the perks of working here is that everyone gets to choose one or more charities that most deeply speak to our hearts. Each employee is allocated $5,000 of company funds to offer, and their choices have been noted accordingly.
Other recipients of our Giving Back program are actually merchants of ours that we like to support, such as Amazon Watch, Planting Justice, and Green America, for which I am the board chair this year. Though my name is not mentioned specifically, I have chosen organizations serving the prison population in their endeavors to restorative justice programs, such as Prison Mindfulness Institute and the San Francisco Zen Center, which hosts the meditation group that I attend at San Quentin Prison every week.
Please note: while Dharma was a Registered B Corp at the time of this posting, it no longer is.