Dharma Launches New Website
Posted in Customer Support, Dharma’s Culture, Industry News.

Dharma Launches New Website
After many months of conversation, consultations, coding, and copywriting, we have finally launched our new website. I think that websites should always be evolving to best define and reflect the most important qualities and intentions of a company. We chose to work with a like-minded and sustainable web design and marketing firm, MightyBytes, a Chicago B Corp. One of my personal pet peeves about most websites is the lack of transparency of companies – especially when clicking on the “About Us” page – and trying to learn about the people behind the scene. In our industry, you often find general statements, like “We are the leading such and such,” or “We have the lowest rates blah, blah, blah,” but nothing substantial about the team or their principles. Don’t you really want to know who is caring for and servicing such a critical aspect of your business like the merchant account? I am so proud of our amazing staff and the heartfelt value that we bring to our partners, merchants, vendors, and to our community. Please take a moment to tell us what you think – it is important to hear your voice and get to know you how we could serve you better! – Jeff Marcous, CEO.
Please note: while Dharma was a Registered B Corp at the time of this posting, it no longer is.