NMI Gateway
Send Invoices, Take Payments on your website, Accept Level 3 data and more
$10/month, $0.05/transaction, no setup fee

NMI is feature-packed
The NMI gateway is built to meet the demands of merchants with specific or unique processing needs. Click here for a general overview of what a Payment Gateway does. For only $10/month, all NMI accounts include:
- Virtual terminal for Credit Card and ACH processing
- Email Invoicing
- Recurring Billing
- Customer Vault
- Product/Inventory Manager
- Level 2 processing built-in, Level 3 for $30 more
- “QuickClick” checkout for easy website integration
- iSpy Fraud Detection
- … and more!

Email Invoicing Made Easy
With Dharma and NMI, you can quickly and easily send requests for payment to your customers, for the fastest possible turnaround. NMI makes the process streamlined and simple, and allows for the following features:
- Upload your company’s logo, and all sent invoices will have your logo on them.
- Automatically generate an invoice, that’s included in your Invoice email to your customer. Invoices include line-item details of what they purchased.
- Your customer will receive an email with a “Click to Pay” link, where they can pay via credit card or ACH.
- Payment pages are hosted by NMI, so you don’t have to worry about an SSL certificate or keeping sensitive credit card data on your servers.
Once your customer pays the invoice, you’ll automatically receive an email informing you of the payment, no further action required. NMI helps you get paid more quickly, and with less effort. Download a feature page, here.

What’s Included with an Account?
NMI is built to allow your business to access the tools you need. Check out our handy Gateway Comparison chart here, to see how NMI stacks up against Authorize.net. See the below chart for what’s included with your NMI gateway, and what additional features you can purchase:
Fee Type (click on each fee for details) | Dharma’s cost |
Setup Fee | None! |
Monthly Fee | $10/month |
Per-Transaction Fee | $0.05/transaction |
Invoicing Fee | $0.05/invoice (in addition to per-transaction fee) |
Virtual Terminal | Included! |
Inventory Manager | Included! |
Quick-Click Button Generator | Included! |
Multi-MID support | Included! |
Open API for shopping-cart integration | Included! |
Customer Vault | Included! |
Automatic Recurring Billing | Included! |
iSpy Fraud Tools | Included! |
Export to QuickBooks | Included! |
USB Swiping | No monthly fees, $129/swiper |
ACH Processing | $20/month, $0.35/transaction |
Verified-by-Visa / MC SecureCode | $10/month, $0.10/transaction |
Level 3 Processing | $30/month |
Detailed Reporting | Included! |
Mobile Processing | $5/month, $99/swiper |
Automatic Card Updater | $10/month, $0.25 / card updated |

Quick-Click Button Generator
Linking your website to your payment gateway has never been easier thanks to the QuickClick shopping cart solution. It enables you to quickly and easily integrate your website to the payment gateway by following a few basic steps, and a unique payment URL is generated for permanent use on your site.

Multi-MID support
Does your organization have multiple business lines, for which you need to have more than one merchant account? With NMI, you can manage Multiple MIDs on a single gateway account to can consolidate reporting, manage branches, organize products, etc. Download a feature page, here.

Open API for shopping-cart integration
NMI offers a truly open API, so that you can build the solution your organization needs. See all details and full documentation of the API by clicking here. View a list of compatible shopping carts here. Download a feature page, here.

Customer Vault
Securely store your customer’s sensitive credit card data, directly on NMI’s servers, with true payment tokenization. Once you have your customer’s data, you can easily create recurring payments, send an invoice, or report upon that customer’s previous payments – without sacrificing data security.

Automatic Recurring Billing
“Set it and Forget it.” With NMI, you can create recurring payment schedules like “charge $50 on the first day of the month.” Easily select a payment schedule for one of your customers, and rest assured that you’ll get paid – no further action required. Download a feature page, here.

iSpy Fraud Tools
Cover your assets. Fraudsters who test card numbers on public facing payment forms can cost merchants hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, in fees and losses. iSpyFraud is a rules-based fraud prevention tool merchants can use to screen suspicious transaction activity, helping merchants to stay one step ahead of fraud. Download a feature page, here and see some common usage scenarios for iSpyFraud, here.

Export to QuickBooks
All NMI accounts include the ability to quickly and easily download your transactions into a Quickbooks-readable file (or .iif file). NMI has a handy export-tool that readies your data. Simply input the date range of the transactions you want to export, click a button, and your .iif file is generated instantly for import to QuickBooks.

ACH Processing
NMI makes it easy to accept ACH payments through the same portal as your credit card acceptance. You can even send invoice requests to your customers which will allow them to pay via credit card or ACH. With ACH acceptance, you can take payments from your customers with lower fees than a typical credit card transaction. Download a feature page, here.

Verified-by-Visa / MC SecureCode
Payer Authentication is fully supported with NMI. Easily get access to both Visa and Mastercard’s programs that allow you to add an additional layer of security to your sales. Learn more about Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode.

Level 3 Processing
Level 3 processing is easy with the NMI gateway. Get access to deeply-discounted interchange rates to keep your payment processing costs as low as possible. Level 2 processing is built-in, with no additional monthly fees. The $30 monthly fee for Level 3 processing will be quickly recouped with Level 3 interchange savings. See sample savings here.

Detailed, Custom Reporting
NMI makes it easy to report back on your transactions. Easily create excel reports with all transactional data within seconds. You’re able to filter on practically any value – date range, transaction type, amount, or even based on custom pre-defined fields that you’ve created.

Integrated Swiping
Easily swipe payments cards your NMI gateway for no additional monthly or transaction fees. For $129 you can purchase a USB-connected swiping device, so that any in-person payments can flow directly through your NMI gateway. If you need EMV (chip card) capability, the swiper is $299. Please be sure to let a sales associate know if you need EMV (chip card) acceptance, as it requires a specific network to be utilized.

Mobile Processing
Easily take payments on the go with the NMI mobile application and swiping device. With the iProcess application made for Apple and Android devices, you can accept credit and debit card payments on your phone or tablet, no matter what their location. Optional swipers are $99, and connect to the headphone port of your device. Mobile processing carries an additional $5/month fee.

Automatic Updater
Keep cards up to date with NMI’s Automatic Card Updater. Using the Updater feature, NMI can retrieve information about a card that has expired, allowing you to continuing billing your customer for orders with no interruption. The Automatic Updater Feature is $10/Month, and $0.25 for each card updated.
See how Invoicing Works