Chip+PIN is the “strongest” encryption method since it’s much harder to steal a PIN than fake a signature. Currently, most US banks issue Chip+Signature cards. As time moves on, they’ll migrate towards Chip+PIN.
Tags: PIN
EMV Chip Cards, Changing Technology for a Changing World
Dharma makes the transition simple for your business with these tips on accepting EMV chip cards and it’s benefits to you as a business and for your customers. Click through to read more!
What is EBT or SNAP processing?
EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) is otherwise known as SNAP, or more commonly, food stamp acceptance.
What is EMV (Euro-Mastercard-Visa), or chip card acceptance?
EMV, otherwise known as Chip Cards, are the new payment technology adopted by the card associations. You’ll also hear it called “Chip and Pin” or “Chip and Signature” – but not matter the moniker, it’s important that all in-person merchants accept EMV transactions.