Clover Apps for Kiosk & Customer Self Service
Posted in Clover APP, Customer Support and tagged with Apps for Kiosk & self service, Clover.
Clover Apps for Kiosk & Customer Self Service
What about self-service? Clover App Market to the rescue! Dharma has been working with our merchant base to help solve this problem and have found two kiosk / customer self-service apps we think might benefit many of our merchants. Those apps are: ShopScanGo, which is designed for the customer to manage their own checkout and payment options; and Self Service Kiosks, which turns Clover into a completely self-guided kiosk experience for your customer. With these apps, you can allow the customer to completely self-serve and remove your employees from the equation – great for productivity as well and pandemic safety procedures.
And if those two aren’t what you need, there are hundreds of other apps across dozens of different use cases – check them out in the Clover App Market today!