What is the FANF fee?

Fixed Acquirer Network Fee

FANF stands for Fixed Acquirer Network Fee. This fee is assessed directly by Visa, and is assessed based on how much volume your account processes per month. Dharma does not mark this fee up! In-person (Card-Present) accounts have lower FANF fees than Online (Card-Not-Present) accounts. The FANF will not apply to Non-profits that are granted an MCC code of 8398.

Dharma always passes FANF costs directly through with no markup. Typical FANF fees are:

  • Storefront Retailer: $2.90/month
  • Online merchants processing up to $8,000/month: $9.00/month
  • Online merchants processing up to $40,000/month: $15.00/month
  • Online merchants processing up to $200,000/month: $45.00/month

Keep reading to see the full FANF charts, and determine exactly how much your organization will be assessed by Visa.

Virtual Merchants (Card-Not-Present)

Monthly Volume FANF price
Less than $200 None
Less than $1,250 0.15% of Total Volume
Less than $4,000 $7.00/month
Less than $8,000 $9.00/month
Less than $40,000 $15.00/month
Less than $200,000 $45.00/month
Less than $800,000 $160.00/month
Less than $2,000,000 $450.00/month
Less than $4,000,000 $1,000.00/month
Less than $8,000,000 $2,000.00/month


Storefront Merchants (In-person)

Number of Locations FANF price/location
1-10 $2.90/month
11-50 $4.00/month
51-100 $6.00/month
101-150 $8.00/month
151-200 $10.00/month
201-250 $14.00/month
251-500 $24.00/month