Visa Hotel & Car Rental
Hotels, Lodging merchants, and auto-rental merchants have a unique interchange rate structure
Hotels, Lodging merchants, and auto-rental merchants have special interchange rates from Visa. Because these merchants often take “extended authorizations” where transactions may be altered later on, there are different requirements. Visa allows for a longer authorization time-frame for these merchant types, but you’re required to submit additional information to take advantage of these rates.

Card-Present Qualifications
- Must be classified as Lodging/Hotel (MCC 7011 or 3519-3828) or Auto Rental (MCC 7512, 3351-3518)
- Magnetic stripe, contactless, or chip data read, obtain customer’s signature.
- Car Rental: Transaction must include: Rental Agreement number, Check-Out/Return Date, Duration, No Show/Extra Charge Indicator
- Car Rental: Can settle within 15% or $75, whichever is the greater of the authorized amount; includes authorization reversal and incrementals.
- Hotel: Can settle within 15% of the authorized amount; includes authorization reversal and incrementals.
- Hotel: Transaction must include: Folio number, Check-In Date, Duration, No Show /Extra Charge indicator.
- 1 day to settle between the Check Out/Return Date and the settlement date.
- 1 or more electronic authorization, with original auth at settlement

Keyed/Online Qualifications
- Must be classified as Lodging/Hotel (MCC 7011 or 3519-3828) or Auto Rental (MCC 7512, 3351-3518)
- Key-Entered or E-Commerce Transaction
- Car Rental: Transaction must include: Rental Agreement number, Check-Out/Return Date, Duration, No Show/Extra Charge Indicator, Preferred Customer Indicator (P)
- Car Rental: Can settle within 15% or $75, whichever is the greater of the authorized amount; includes authorization reversal and incrementals.
- Hotel: Can settle within 15% of the authorized amount; includes authorization reversal and incrementals.
- Hotel: Transaction must include: Folio number, Check-In Date, Duration, No Show / Extra Charge Indicator, Preferred Customer Indicator (P).
- E-Commerce transactions must perform Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) and include an E-Commerce Indicator of a 5 or 6.
- 1 day to settle between the Check Out/Return Date and the settlement date.
- 1 or more electronic authorization, with original auth at settlement
What are the rates?

CPS Lodging/Car-Rental – 1.54% + $0.10
Downgrade (any reason): EIRF, 2.30% + $0.10/txn

CPS Rewards 2 – 1.95% + $0.10
Downgrade (any reason): EIRF, 2.30% + $0.10/txn

Signature Pref. Electronic – 2.40% + $0.10
Downgrade (any reason): Standard, 2.95% + $0.10/txn

CPS Lodging/Car-Rental Debit – 1.19% + $0.10
Downgrade (for keyed): CPS Card Not Present Lodging/Car Rental Debit, 1.70% + $0.15/txn
Downgrade (any other reason): EIRF Debit, 1.75% + $0.20/txn

CPS Lodging/Car-Rental Prepaid – 1.15% + $0.15
Downgrade (for keyed): CPS Card Not Present Lodging/Car Rental Prepaid, 1.75% + $0.20/txn
Downgrade (any other reason): EIRF Prepaid, 1.80% + $0.20/txn

Regulated Debit – 0.05% + $0.22
Downgrade: This card type does not downgrade.
Who’s eligible?
Your business must be classified specifically as a Lodging/Hotel/Car-Rental merchant to receive these rates.