MX Merchant – Historical Reporting
MX Merchant keeps the most recent two years of data available to you at all times.
We can help you with earlier records if you need them.

MX Online Reporting
MX merchant keeps the most recent two years of data available to you for reporting at all times. By default, MX Merchant only allows you to report on transactions, batches and deposits from January 1, 2021 forward. This is also true for monthly statements.
But if you need earlier records all is not lost! Data prior to January 1, 2021 is archived, and can be retrieved on an as needed basis should you ever require them. To do so, simply send an email to our Support Team, with the following information:
- Account Name
- Merchant ID
- Reports Needed (transactions, batches, deposits, monthly statements, etc.)
- Reporting Period: a specific date range (e.g. June 2020, or 3/12/19 – 3/14/19). You cannot leave this open ended (e.g. “all reports prior to January 1, 2021)
We will work with our banking partner to pull the requested data from the MX Merchant archives and provide them to you when completed.
Please expect a minimum of seven day turnaround.