How is e|tab priced?
e|tab Pricing
e|tab pricing has two components – a monthly fee of $59, which covers hosting and maintenance costs; and a per transaction charge – which is the standard Dharma virtual rate of 0.20% + $0.11 / transaction. Note – there is no setup fee.
Depending on your processing volume, you may even qualify for one of our high volume or low average ticket plans, which can further reduce your transaction rate.
Merchants can also set their own convenience fee to help cover e|tab costs. We recommend a fee of $1.99 / transaction, but you can set it lower or higher if you choose.
There are two optional extras associated with e|tab – the Smart Printer ($400 + Shipping & Handling), which allows for automatic printing of your online orders onsite, as well as the Kitchen Printer ($350 + Shipping & Handling), designed for the heavy duty needs of an active kitchen. In order to use the Kitchen Printer, a Smart Printer is also necessary. Neither is required, as orders can be printed to any printer once received by email, text or the online e|tab portal.