Recent Election
Posted in Dharma’s Culture.

Recent Election
Intellectually, I know that I am not defined by my political views and ideology, but that did not seem to help much after the recent election. In fact, it felt like my glass was much less than half empty – more like bone dry! If you are familiar with the five stages of grief which make up the framework of how humans cope with the loss of a loved one, I am still stuck in denial, no wait … bargaining; argh, make that anger; sigh … more like depression; and anxiously awaiting acceptance. It manifests in my body as an upset gut, tense shoulders, and a heavy, constricted heart. It is really not about me as my life has not yet changed, and may not be impacted directly by the changes in Washington, but I grieve and mourn for those beings who will undoubtedly suffer – animal and plant species; oceans, rivers, and other watersheds; the very air we breathe; underprivileged and oppressed people everywhere; women who rely on the right to choose; the protection and quality of our food; and on and on. Even as I write this now, I am feeling sadness, a little hopeless, some frustration.
Okay – I’m glad that I could say that publicly as it is my reality at the moment, but I am beginning to see a silver lining in the cloud. I have never read so many newsletters, blogs, and commentaries of people and organizations that are starting to rally around an awakening that we need to become more inclusive as a society in reaching out to all those who are disenfranchised and have felt unheard and powerless. What matters most to people in all social, political, geographical, racial, economic, and philosophical strata is to have enough resources, enough opportunity, enough support, and enough love to lead a happy and prosperous life. In my view, one of the things lacking presently is the knowledge and wisdom that comes with the understanding of how all things are interconnected and interrelated, which provides a basis for seeing a greater good than one’s own self-centered concerns.
We need to start looking at our commonalities rather than our differences. As Angela Davis once said, “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change; I am changing the things I cannot accept.”