Partner of the Month – Green America
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Partner of the Month – Green America
Since Dharma Merchant Services’ inception, our intention has been to align ourselves with organizations that have made significant contributions to educating and promoting sustainable choices that benefit people and the planet.
One such organization is Green America, of which our founder has been a member for 20 years! (Even back when it was Co-op America). Now Dharma is a member of their Green Business Network and we offer our services to many Green America business members. You might even know them by their work: The National Green Pages, Green American Magazine and the Green Festivals in San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Dharma has embraced their passionate efforts to do what is right and we wholeheartedly urge our community to become part of this powerful organization. Individuals can join Green America at Membership includes world-changing resources that help you use your economic power to build a better world. Businesses can join the Green Business Network at Green America at Membership helps businesses grow, access conscious consumers, network with other businesses and gain the Green Business Certification.