Partner of the Month: One PacificCoast Bank
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Partner of the Month: One PacificCoast Bank
By now, businesses and organizations who support sustainability are used to making green choices on several issues; for example, offering public transit passes for employees and using recycled packaging. But how “green” can we be if the bank we use invests in coal-mining mountain-top removal or is “too big to fail?” Greening the financial side of your business can often be easily overlooked. Fortunately, our partner of the month is here to help. One way to green your finances is to partner with Dharma partner bank One PacificCoast Bank, one of the largest green banks in the US. The OPCB team dreamed of creating a triple bottom-line bank and a supportive nonprofit foundation and in 2007, their vision was realized when OneCalifornia Bank and OneCalifornia Foundation opened in Oakland, California. Fashioned in the image of the great socially responsible banks and credit unions of national and international fame, OPCB is mandated to produce meaningful social justice and environmental benefits at the same time that it is financially sustainable. Dharma is proud to partner with One PacificCoast Bank and its awesome green team in creating a more sustainable and socially just world.
Providing credit to constructive businesses and nonprofits — especially those boosting entrepreneurial activity in inner cities, following and strengthening wellness models, or reconnecting vital rural/urban dependencies — is OPCB’s main business. Credit allows these beneficial activities to grow and scale. OPCB also believes that a healthy environment is the only reliable foundation for economic prosperity. OPCB strives to be a catalyst for positive change in its communities by providing fair, transparent, and sustainable banking products and services as alternatives to more predatory practices that otherwise unwind the benefits of lending practices. We are grateful to partner with OPCB in strengthening community and supporting sustainable businesses.
Please note: while Dharma was a Registered B Corp at the time of this posting, it no longer is.