Merchant of the Month – Organic India
Posted in Merchant of the Month.

Merchant of the Month – Organic India
Organic India is being highlighted as this month’s merchant as they represent all the values of a company that is truly committed to social change. The company was started in the 90’s by a group of people who had wandered into northern India to be present to the teachings of self-realization, and who were inspired by the opportunity to be of service to the local inhabitants. Their idea was simple: establish a business model that will support the livelihood of thousands of marginalized farmers in India by providing training and education that will enable them to be self-sufficient and to develop skills that will be passed onto future generations.
Organic India works with thousands of family farmers in India, cultivating tens of thousands of acres of farmland that has been third party certified organic through funding from Organic India. The farmers are commissioned to grow organic crops under their guidance, which are then purchased at a premium market price. Organic India also works with local tribes – people in India who ethically wild-craft herbs on 592,000 acres of forest that Organic India has converted to USDA certified organic. We have been fans of their Tulsi Tea for years; their line of teas and herbs can be found online and at many retail locations.