Featured Merchant: Sungevity
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Featured Merchant: Sungevity
This month we’re honored to feature Sungevity, one of many of our beloved clients here at Dharma. One because we love solar, two because we love founder Danny Kennedy (the brilliant, passionate, orange-loving, former Greenpeace activist Aussie) and three because we love Danny’s new book: Rooftop Revolution (How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy – and Our Planet – from Dirty Energy).

Sungevity is a solar power installation company that revolutionized the market with a virtual quote system: you can learn about solar energy and get a free, personalized iQuote for a lease on a system within 24 hours–all online before you make a payment. They use satellite images and aerial photography to assess your roof remotely, and accurately determine your home’s solar potential. Sungevity consultants then personally designs two to five system options for you, taking into account all available rebates and incentives in your area to provide you with the most accurate quote available. In addition, Sungevity offers leasing programs, so you avoid the large upfront cost of buying solar panels and instead pay a monthly fee to Sungevity, which owns and maintains the panels. The leases are structured so the home owner’s electricity bills will go down because of the electricity generated by the solar panels.
We’re reading Danny’s book the Rooftop Revolution (How Solar Power Can Save Our Economy – and Our Planet – from Dirty Energy) right now, and will follow up with a book review in Books We Love on our blog. So far it’s incredible, and we highly recommend it! For more information check out the book’s website, or purchase it on Amazon.