Featured Merchant: Flora Grubb Gardens
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Featured Merchant: Flora Grubb Gardens
In addition to sharing the magic of San Francisco’s own Flora Grubb Gardens, we’d like to take this opportunity to say congratulations to Flora Grubb for being recognized as one of 11 recipients for Martha Stewart’s first annual American Made Awards! It was a well-deserved honor, as FGG is not just a nursery but an oasis of creativity, beauty and innovation. With a mission of “introducing a real peace and joy in city dwellers’ lives through the act of gardening”, FGG accomplishes that by carrying delightful decor, beautiful pottery and radiant indoor and outdoor plants. There’s even a Ritual Coffee (another beloved Dharma client) cafe right in the 28,000-square-foot solar-powered, open-air store. They offer garden design, horticulture and floral services but also specialize in free workshops where their expert staff teaches ways to cultivate natural beauty in gardens and homes. The Dharma team enjoyed a field trip to FGG to when moving into our new office, and we enjoy our beautiful plants every day. We’re so grateful to be working with them!