Mastercard credit cards are issued to customers not by Mastercard, but by an issuing bank. These credit cards will have varying terms/rewards, as every bank is different. The below guide is a handy reference to see how cards are typically classified. Note that issuing banks have a lot of “leeway” in how they classify a card. So, some cards may have similar benefit structures, yet will fall into different categories. What’s important to keep in mind is that you have NO control over this aspect of card acceptance. You can’t tell what type of card you’re accepting just by looking at it, and most customers won’t even know their card type if you ask them. This process is designed to be “invisible” and in the background.
Tags: merit 3
Mastercard Merit III (In-Person)
The “Merit III” or “Merit 3” category encompasses traditional consumer credit cards, as opposed to business/purchasing cards. Barring a few exceptions, most merchants are able to receive this interchange rate, as it represents the best qualification level for in-person sales. Below are the basic qualifications, plus you’ll see each type of card that’s eligible for Merit III rates.