Dharma is Among the First Benefit Corps in California
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Dharma is Among the First Benefit Corps in California
Dharma Merchant Services was privileged to become one of the first California companies to register as a Benefit Corporation.

“Benefit Corporation” provides a new legal structure to registered S or C Corps that allows companies to legally expand their purpose beyond exclusively maximizing shareholder value. Benefit Corporations are also certified by an independent third part that affirms the company creates a material positive impact on society and the environment, and meets higher standards of accountability and transparency.
Many thanks to our legal counsel who scrambled to get our paperwork ready in time for this special day. Pictured is Jonathan Storper from Hanson Bridgett LLP right there with Alexia to help file the documents. Now that’s amazing service!
January 3rd was the first day the law went into effect, so we joined a cadre of like-minded businesses, including Patagonia, Give Something Back and ThinkShift, in line at the state office to register and show our support for this tremendous step forward in bringing triple-bottom-line operations into the mainstream.
For more information on Benefit Corporations, please visit benefitcorp.net.
Please note: while Dharma was a Registered B Corp at the time of this posting, it no longer is.