Dharma Attends Wisdom 2.0 Event
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Dharma Attends Wisdom 2.0 Event
On May 11th and 12th, I attended the first annual Wisdom 2.0 Business conference in San Francisco, which addressed health and wellness in the workplace. Presentations were focused around leading research and applications of employee productivity, well-being, mindfulness, creativity, meaningfulness, and wisdom. Over 300 attendees were actively engaged in the exchange of ideas and practices. Click here to watch many of the inspiring talks from the conference.

What I got from this weekend was just how business in the Bay Area has evolved from the simple bottom line of generating profits as an end result to how the business environment is sustaining the body, mind, and spirits of their employees and customers. So many dominant companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the like have changed how their Human Resources Departments have gone from managing health benefits to promoting good nutrition, mindfulness, and spiritually creative practices. This is completely in line with what the great psychologist, Abraham Maslow, has identified as the Hierarchy of Needs – from taking care of basic physiological needs to self-actualization as the highest goal of the individual.
Dharma Merchant Services was created to foster these higher attributes of self-love, acceptance, compassion, morality, and so forth. We see that business can be the most influential element of an awakened life, hence should contain practices that reflect and inspire the presence of love. What could that look like in your company?