Bay Area Sacred Commerce Workshop: 8/18 – 8/19
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Bay Area Sacred Commerce Workshop: 8/18 – 8/19
About 4 years ago we became aware of a local restaurant called Café Gratitude whose founders, Matthew and Terces Englehart, had integrated their contemplative practice as a vital part of the path to awakening. They have since written a book and developed workshops to teach the principles of Sacred Commerce, which Dharma Merchant Services has wholeheartedly embraced and practices on a daily basis. This has been transformative for us individually as well as for our collective approach in guiding our business. It has been liberating to see how this practice is aligned with our company’s original intent of right intention, right speech, right action and right livelihood.
In 2010 we were fortunate to hire a former Café Gratitude manager as our Office Manager, and now Yebuny Johnson has left to pursue her calling to teach Sacred Commerce workshops around the country. For those of you in the Bay Area, the next opportunity is the weekend of August 18th and 19th. To register or to get more information please click here.